• Structured Invest S.A. (SI) is registered as a Luxembourg management company since February 8th, 2006. Structured Invest is a 100% owned subsidiary of UniCredit Bank GmbH, Munich.

    Our main expertise is the launch of investment funds. This includes mutual funds (UCITS) and Alternative Investment Funds (AIF) under Luxembourg and German law, in particular in the legal form of "Fonds Commun de Placement" (FCP) and the „Société d'Investissement à Capital Variable“ (SICAV).

    Structured Invest is an integral part of the Client Solutions Division of UniCredit Group. Keeping the client at the center in everything we do, we add value by providing fund investors bespoke solutions based on our profound cross asset structuring, fund selection and asset management expertise.

    Through the combination of these elements, Structured Invest plays a key role in the successful Group-wide implementation of the onemarkets Fund project.



  • We can offer you our expertise in the following areas:

    Underlying assets

    We offer investment strategies for traditional asset classes (equity, fixed income, commodity, currency and money market) as well as for alternative asset classes (e.g., Fund of Private Equity Funds, Fund of Real Estate Funds, Private Equity, Private Debt). Eligible underlying assets may be, among others, indices, baskets or funds.

    Payoff profiles

    Individualised determination of risk-return profiles for all market situations is part of the core expertise of the Client Solutions Division of the UniCredit Group. Our expertise encompasses the full spectrum from linear to exotic payoff profiles with the possibility of a guarantee or capital protection.

    Fund formats

    We offer UCITS Funds as well as Alternative Investment Funds, in particular in the legal forms FCP or SICAV.


    Registration and Administration

    We will assist you over the entire life of your product. From idea generation and product development, to licensing and registration. We also assist with bookkeeping, pricing and IAS/IFRS reporting.

    Special concepts

    Are you looking to develop a special structuring arrangement? Whether private pension ideas, Contractual Trust Arrangements (CTAs) or other structured solutions, we can help you develop your concept.




  • Fund classification acc. to InvTA as per 31.12.2019

    Fund classification according to the German Investment Tax Act as per 31.12.2019 PDF

    Fund mergers / liquidations / maturities

    Notice to unitholders of SI Anlagefonds - Global Responsibility Absolute Return Strategy Fund

    (ISIN LU1048656075 & LU1048656315)

    The liquidation of SI Anlagefonds - Global Responsibility Absolute Return Strategy has been finalised on January 31, 2020.

    The liquidation proceeds per share is:

    SI Anlagefonds - Global Responsibility Absolute Return Strategy - R (LU1048656075) 97,37457 EUR

    SI Anlagefonds - Global Responsibility Absolute Return Strategy – I (LU1048656315) 1.020,62956 EUR

    The payment of the net liquidation proceeds to the unitholders will be made through the depositary.

    Notice to unitholders of SI Anlagefonds - Global Responsibility Absolute Return Strategy Fund
    Notice to unitholders of the SI Anlagefonds - HVB iTraxx® Europe S.22 01/2020  Fund

    The liquidation of the SI Anlagefonds - HVB iTraxx® Europe S.22 01/2020 has been finalised on 23 July 2019.

    The liquidation proceeds per share is: 1,031.05948 EUR.

    The payment of the net liquidation proceeds to the unitholders will be made through the depositary.

    Notice to unitholders of the SI Anlagefonds - HVB iTraxx® Europe S.22 01/2020  Fund
    Notice to unitholders of Cross Commodity Long/Short Fund

    The liquidation of the Cross Commodity Long/Short Fund has been finalised on April 15, 2019.

    The liquidation proceeds per share is:

    LU0647223790: 883.61147 EUR

                    LU0647223527: 82.45723 EUR

                    LU0647224095: 765.77214 EUR

    The payment of the net liquidation proceeds to the unitholders will be made through the depositary.

    Liquidation report HVB Opti Select Dynamic Fund as of 14.11.2017   Liquidation report HVB Opti Select Dynamic Fund as of 14.11.2017
    Notice to unitholders of Rohstoff Kapitalschutz Fonds SI 12/2019 Fund

    The liquidation of the Rohstoff Kapitalschutz FondsSI 12/2019 has been finalised on October 31, 2017.

    The liquidation proceeds per share (ISIN: LU0528610123) is: 103.57601 EUR.

    The payment of the net liquidation proceeds to the unitholders will be made through the depositary.

    Notice to unitholders of Rohstoff Kapitalschutz Fonds SI 12/2019 Fund
    Notice to unitholders of Rohstoff Kapitalschutz FondsSI 12/2019 Fund Due to regular redemptions leading to a small fund volume Structured Invest S.A. has resolved the liquidation of the sub-fund SI Anlagefonds - Rohstoff Kapitalschutz Fonds SI 12/2019 in accordance with article 19 of the Management Regulations. Notice to unitholders of Rohstoff Kapitalschutz FondsSI 12/2019 Fund

    Liquidation report
    Cross Commodity Long/Short ex AL Fund – ISIN LU0944771152, LU0944770931
    as of 15.07.2015

      Liquidation report Cross Commodity Long/Short ex AL Fund as of 15.07.2015

    Liquidation report Selection Market NeutralSI – ISIN LU0479726712
    as of 01.07.2015

      Liquidation report Selection Market NeutralSI as of 01.07.2015
  • General disclosures Downloads
    Sustainability (Risk) Policy PDF
    Remuneration System PDF
    Voting rights & Engagement Policy
              Report 2021
    No consideration of adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors PDF

    According to the EU Disclosure Regulation, funds are divided into three categories based on their sustainability approach:

    Article 6:  These funds do not take into account sustainability criteria (ESG criteria) or only to a small extent. 
    Article 8: These funds integrate ESG criteria into their investment policy. 
    Article 9: These funds have a targeted sustainability goal (e.g. reduction of CO2 emissions). 

    The respective classification was carried out by the fund management company. 


    Disclosures products Downloads  
    Disclosures Art. 8 Products available from 2022
    View product
    Disclosures Art. 9 Products available from 2022
    View product
  • Do you have questions about our products ? Please feel free to contact us.

    How to reach us:

    By telephone

    +352 248 248 00

    Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

    By e-mail
    By mail
    Structured Invest S.A.
    8-10, rue Jean Monnet
    L-2180 Luxembourg
    Internet http://www.structuredinvest.lu
      Complaint Management (PDF)
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